...will be to the Pierre Marnolini Chocolatier for some real Belgian Chocolate. I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a chocolate snob. ...
Speaking of Favorite Artists...

I'm very seriously considering going back to school to get my Masters in 2009, after Michael graduates. In the meantime over the next ye...
My Favorite Artist

Swedish decor is so beautiful. I think it's unfortunate that most people think of IKEA when they think of Swedish homes, instead of grac...
DIY Dollhouse

Were you obsessed with doll houses when you were little, like I was? Most of my childhood was spent coordinating Barbie and Ken's outfit...
Inspired Today

I have been super emotional lately (poor Michael), which is a little out of character for me. I totally bawled my eyes out watching My Boy,...
Sugar City Journal

If you haven't heard about it already, Sugar City Journal is a great blog for anyone interested in sewing. Two sisters in law, living a...
The Perfect Kitchen

Michael can tell you that when I am worked up (either really mad or really happy), I bounce/shake one or both of my legs involuntarily. Toda...