I really like the fabric from the post below. I love the color ways and the fun print. It sort of reminds me of my blog banner. Lots of orange, green and turquoise. I thought it would be fun to build a guest room based on these colors.
I've seen a lot of guest rooms lately done with two twin beds and an oversized nightstand in between. I like the look.

The room above is really pretty, but it's maybe a little plain. Granted, my mind's a little foggy right now, but I remember reading somewhere that Kate Spade said that you should put really strong colors and patterns in guest rooms. Something that you love, but that you know you couldn't stand seeing for more than a month straight. But also something fun enough that your guests will be entertained. The crazy color combo in this fabric will do just the trick.
Upon closer examination of the eBay auction, there are only two yards of this fun print available. That's just enough for a few accents though.

I'm thinking two matching boudoir pillows with orange or turquoise ball fringe.

Maybe this great burnt orange duvet cover from Pottery Barn folded up at the foot of the bed? I love all the French knots.

White linens with chocolate brown embroidery from Restoration Hardware.

Another accent pillow. This one's from Twinkle Living.

And my beloved X benches flanking the bottom of the beds. This time in a fun brown and white zebra.

Also from Ballard Designs, this awesome and graphic green trellis wallpaper. Talk about a statement!

This beautiful faux bamboo vintage Baker chest would go between the two twins.

And this gorgeous leaning floor mirror from Z Gallerie.

Here's all of it put together. What do you think?