Don't feel sorry for me though. Each time I get a dirty look from a fellow airline passenger, as I schlep 3 diaper bags, 2 car seats (and a partridge in a pear tree) down the minuscule aisle, I'll shake it off and dream of what I'll be eating in Arizona for three square meals a day (not kidding):

And each time Claire lets out an ear-piercing shriek or when Grace drops her water bottle on the floor during take off (and it has to be passed back up from about 18 rows back), I'll close my eyes, say to myself "Serenity now" and start dreaming.
About this.

Have you ever return a perfectly unused (or used - shame on you) pair of designer jeans or Miu Miu flats to Nordstrom? Well, all of them, from all the Nordstroms in the country, are shipped to Phoenix and put up for sale at Last Chance.
T-shirts are $2.97.
Skirts $4.97
Designer jeans are between $7.97 and $29.97

The place is a mad house and a total wreck within 5 minutes of opening. Here is the sign they post everywhere - rules that say no pushing, running, reaching over people to grab merch, or stealing from other shopper's carts.
It's not for everyone, but to me, it's heaven on earth. I always bring an extra suitcase just for my Last Chance harvest!

Some of the other highlights of the trip will surely include
Lots of family pictures. I'm planning a photoshoot of my grandparents, whom I love more than just about anyone or anything.
Plenty of thrifting and antiquing.
Lots of movies. And in a theater to boot! (a luxury to those with babies)
Watching the girls' excitement as they get to do new things - play with doggies and go swimming.
Early morning runs with my mom.
Best-ab-workout-of-your-life-and-my-cheeks-will-never-be-the-same-again laugh sessions. My family is hilarious.
Lots of decorating. I think I am helping about 5 different people decorate while I'm in town. I'm really excited about this one!
Arts and crafts. My mom is like the original Martha. She is so amazing and crafty. I want to recreate this wreath with her that I saw on Eddie Ross' blog.

Anyway, the point of this post is to let you guys know that I may not be posting here as often as I would like during our vacation. Please keep checking back though, because I will try. And I will still be accepting design advice requests, so email me if you have a project in mind for over the holidays or after.
Merry Christmas!