Try using fabrics with prints for your shades. Notice that many of these fabrics are mostly white or cream with an accent color print.

Stripes are great on shades, too.

I love the big fat stripe right down the middle of this shade.

Try using a neutral fabric for the base of your shade and then add a printed fabric border.

I think it's hard to go wrong with a gauzy neutral fabric.

Solid colors are safe, but still a fun option.

If you want to kick it up a notch, add some ribbon trim.

This adorable shade for a little girl's bathroom looks classy and youthful with the ball fringe.

I almost made a fancy cut-out bottom on my DIY shades, but decided the look was too fussy for my room. Seeing these pictures makes me wonder if I should have just gone for it.

I love this little girl's room. The solid pink shade layered with the green and pink canopy is just about perfection by my standards.

Here's another fun print-and-solid layered shade. This one features a valence.

Love the look of shade-over-shade here below.

For a totally custom look, use the same fabric for your shades and curtains.

Isn't this a great photo below? I love the two different fabrics on the shades. Using only the print on these long windows would be overwhelming and using only solid colored fabric would be so boring. But together, the look is genius!

Hopefully you're inspired! Now get out there and invest a little money in fabric and glue and make yourselves some new shades!