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My husband and I spent our first official New Year's together, just a few days before our wedding, painting the living room of our first little home. We ate popcorn and drank Martinelli's while we rolled on the paint and dreamed together about our new life that was about to start. And now it's a tradition - popcorn, fake bubbly and paint. I know, so glamorous and romantic! We do make sure to have a dance together at midnight though, and there may or may not be kissing involved.

We also take a few minutes to write out our resolutions and goals for the year. Here's a watered down version of my 2010 list:

- Get my portfolio together (finally) and consider forking over the cash for a web designer
- Blog 5x per week

Kelly Wearstler via Style Court
- Focus more on eDecorating

Pearl Street Interiors
- Organize and simplify - buy less and get rid of stuff I don't use

- Take my girls to do something special and enriching every month - the ballet, museums, concerts, etc

photography by Rachel Papo
- Go to children's story time at the library on Tuesdays and check out books for me too

via The Selby

- Train for the NYC marathon in November (fingers crossed that I get chosen for the lottery in March)

- Make everyday life more beautiful

via this is glamorous

- Be better about separating work and family life. Stick to the schedule.

- Plan my outfits and wear more jewelry! (I feel so much better about life when I'm dressed/groomed -- all day in jimjams = cranky Jenny)

via Desire to Inspire
- Take an oil painting class. I really want to learn how to do flowers better and I think small paintings make awesome gifts.

via domino

What are your grand plans for 2010? Can you BELIEVE it is already a new decade?? It feels like the Y2K thing was just yesterday...

Have a very HAPPY and safe New Year!
