Vertical wood brises filter light and can be opened in its entirety, diluting the relationship between internal and external. Volume up, volume rests on the ground floor, on the one hand, and on pilotis on the other: accommodate the living room, kitchen (made with low-height furniture) and a small office. Top box creates shady areas and on the ground floor of the prism, the extension of the living room, a solarium

A staircase connects the outside by the pool deck to the deck above. An indoor staircase to form a daily circulation of the house. Near the main circulation, in the porch of a house, a panel designed specifically Bulcão Athos and that, perhaps, the last project. Tiles are located in the most famous classical buildings in Brasília building space here too; a work of art designed for the home, designed by the architecture, that the artist could not see the finish.