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It's official - Saturday, July 31 will be the date of the big sale.

We're going to hold it in the Washington D.C. area.

Here's where you come in.

1. Does anyone know of a big, empty parking lot that we could use for the sale? We could maybe use a field, but I worry about having a problem with mud. We need LOTS of space for parking and other sellers.

2. Who wants to sell with me? I'd love an email from you.

I have reserved a 26-foot truck for that weekend to haul out all my goodies and can't wait to see what the other sellers will bring. The only catch is that I'd like to keep the wares limited to furniture and other home-related goods.

Stay tuned for more info (including a preview of what's coming on my truck). This is going to be really fun! I only wish I was coming as a buyer.