We unloaded all night at the flea (didn't sleep a wink!) and got crazy looks from the other flea market vendors when they saw just how much stuff we were unloading. One guy even came over and was like 'This is your first time selling here, right? You have a lot of nice stuff, but don't be disappointed when you're loading most of it back up today. Try again next month!'
We were still putting prices on small things by the time 7:00am rolled around. I seriously looked so gross. I had planned on getting in a nap and a shower at a friends house nearby, but that definitely didn't happen. Yuck!
At 7:00 the madness started. I had grand plans of photographing everything and I was so excited to walk around and meet and chat with some of you readers - also definitely didn't happen. By 7:45 I came up for air and nearly 90% of the items had been sold. At the end of the day, there were only a handful of things to load back up in the truck.
It was SO amazing to get to meet a couple hundred of you guys! I'm sorry that you got to see me at my worst - disheveled and hot! But thank you for coming and supporting me! I would LOVE to try something like this again.