I was looking through my bookmarks the other day and I ran across this post by Katy Elliot where she shares a great and inexpensive ($15.50!) source for a sunprint kit. Only $5 for the 4x4 size here.

Do you remember doing these cyanotypes in elementary school? My girls love science-y projects like this.

It would be fun to collect a year's worth of leaves and flowers from our building's (pretty impressive) rooftop garden and nearby parks and then hang up the whole series in a hallway or maybe the bathroom. Grace would love to look up the species names and write them on each sheet.

Plus, honestly. Don't you love this deep blue color? I really love it.

image via ohdeedoh

P.S. IKEA's small square Ribba frames would be a great choice for framing the 4x4 size. Check out how I used nine of those frames here.