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Ooh! I love this Reader DIY from the adorable and talented Cassie at Hi Sugarplum!

Cassie figured out a really inexpensive way to make cute book ends and brass-looking table top accessories (HERE and HERE).

She picked up random little toys and figurines from thrift stores, hobby shops and the dollar bin at Target and spray painted them!

She super glued the painted figurines to flat rocks and made really cool, unique bookends.

Cassie did a similar project using (my go-to) Rustoleum in Brass from their metallics line.

PS Their gold color has way too much pink in it, but the brass is a lovely bright yellow. It really looks like brass, right? I'm thinking a trip to the Homegoods clearance section is in order!!

Cassie spent less than $5 on each of these. Little projects like this that cost almost nothing are so great. It's a nice way to get a fun look that you don't have to commit to. If she wants to change these out for something else later, there's no reason to feel bad. I love it.

Thanks for sharing, Cassie!

If you have a DIY project you'd like to submit, please email jenny (at) jennykomenda (dot) com.

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