This weekend was so perfect. The sun was out and we met up with friends for an egg hunt at Wagner Park (can you spy Lady Liberty?)

I can't believe how big Evelyn is looking lately. She is so not a baby anymore (boo), and like most younger siblings, is trying to grow up as fast as possible to keep up with her older sisters. This photo cracks me up - she was throwing a fit because she wanted to stay at school with Grace and Claire. She kept saying "Ina big girl tooooooo!" And then she did the most hilarious sad Eeyore shuffle all the way home.
In between the Easter festivities and all the cooking (I feel like I cook through every holiday! Don't you?), I got to squeeze in some errands and projects. I was especially excited to do a little reconnaissance work on inlay furniture. Can't WAIT to share this project with you next week!
Looks like Big Lots and Lot Less are selling overstock of the Missoni for Target ottomans. These were only $40!
My girls are on a whiteboard kick (so helpful for encouraging handwriting practice) and I stopped into Staples to pick up a pack of the new WASHABLE (!) dry erase markers. There might have been a detour made to the Martha Stewart office line section. I'm such a sucker for journals and notebooks. And shagreen? Forgetaboutit.
I also popped into the Chelsea flea for about 15 minutes. Just enough time to find a cute little acrylic stool for the bathroom and to take a photo of this adorable idea. Grace and Claire are super into drawing "fancy" outfits. I'm going to copy this idea and frame some of theirs. Maybe on a lavender-gray mat board?
How was your weekend? I hope it was lovely. xx
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