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I got back late last night from a whirlwind trip to Chicago. My head is still spinning a little from the past couple of very busy weeks, but here are six things I'm enjoying lately:

1) Julie from Shelter Interior Design was also in Chicago yesterday and I was so glad to finally meet her. She is so cool and, truly, her blog is an absolute feast for the eyes! These are some photos of her house in Boston. She's got skills - girlfriend can dream up a gorgeous space in about five minutes flat (trust me, I saw her do it yesterday!).

2) I think pale blue and rust orange might be my favorite color combo of the past couple months. Maybe that's why I've been wearing these boots almost non-stop all spring. They are not super high, so they're perfect for running around the city all day. Every single time I wear them someone stops to ask me where they're from, which is always fun, right ladies?

3) One of my old clients is moving apartments and doesn't have room any more for this adorable pale aqua settee we bought together last summer. It's in almost perfect condition and she's selling it for a fraction of what she paid. She's on the Upper East side and would need you to pick it up yourself. Email me for more details.

4) Kirsten blogged about these West Elm planters last week and I haven't been able to get them out of my mind. Aren't they gorgeous (and they're on sale!)? So sleek! I'm imagining a super feminine flowering plant in these, or maybe round two of my citrus trees (which sadly died pretty quickly in our loft - not nearly enough light in here I'm guessing?)

5) This white herringbone pattern quilt from Target, which is only available in stores, is a really great buy. It looks so pretty tucked in tight on a bed, with a colorful duvet folded at the foot (my forever-favorite look for bedding).

6) Last Saturday Joanna hosted a Mother's Day brunch at Karen Mordechai's stunning loft in Williamsburg. Karen runs Sunday Suppers which is a beautiful cooking+dining class that I'm dying to take (hopefully sometime this summer). The food on Saturday was phenomenal, and the company, even better! I love these creative, beautiful, super inspiring women.

photo swiped from my new across-the-street neighbor, Jamie Beck
See here how I'm holding Leigh's new little peanut? That was such a treat. But seriously, want to know what's not a helpful thing to do when you're fighting baby fever? Holding adorable newborns. So not helpful.

from my Instagram (follow me at jennykomenda)