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It's the weekend! Let's start it out right, with a fabulous give away from my friends at eSaleRugs! I must be one of their best customers (here, here and here), because they are offering up a very generous $500 gift certificate to give away! Also, the site is having a killer sale to celebrate the holiday weekend (50% off and a free rug pad, with an extra 10% off if you buy two or more rugs!), so there are deals-aplenty.

Now, the good and also tricky thing about the eSaleRugs site is they have a huge amount of inventory. I gave myself a little challenge to see how many rugs I could find in 30 minutes. I stopped pretty soon after finding about 50 rugs, because I figured that was just getting unmanageable! :) The point is, there are lots and lots of great rugs on eSaleRugs if you're willing to dedicate just a little time to the hunt. I've found the fastest way to sort through the site is to right-click on any rug that looks potentially interesting and choose "Open Link in New Tab" then it's easy to fly through the inventory and then compare the ones you like best all at once.

Probably my favorite thing about the eSaleRugs site is they include a ton of photos of each rug - from all different angles. You really have a sense of what your rug looks like in reality. (I hope other e-commerce sites start doing this! So helpful!)

These are just a sample of the dozens I love on the site right now. Persian rugs are my favorite, so all of these are from that category, though there are some great options in the Oriental and Modern categories, too. (OH MAN. I just realized they sell Moroccan rugs under the Handmade category! This could be dangerous!)

Here are some of the rugs I've shown here:

1  /  2  /  3  /  4  /  5  /  6  /  7  /  8  /  9  /  10  /  11  /  12  /  13  /  14  /  15  /  16  /  17  /   18  /  19  /  20

To qualify to enter this give away, please shop around the eSaleRugs site and share the link to the rug(s) you would purchase with your $500. Don't forget most rugs are an additional 50% off the listed price and there's always free shipping!

Contest ends Tuesday night at midnight. Good luck!

Thank you all for entering! The winner has been chosen and emailed. Please check your inbox! :)