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Ladies, am I right when I say you can change your day for the better just by putting on a pair of fantastic earrings? Or a pretty cocktail ring, or a fancy necklace? I tried out a collar for the first time on Thanksgiving and felt pretty special.

I got it from Jewelmint along with a few other baubles when they were having a sale, and was surprised at the quality of the accessories given the price! I was ecstatic then when Jewelmint reached out to me, kindly offering three readers their choice of FIVE pieces, plus a t-shirt from Stylemint! How will you possibly choose your favorites? Here's what I'm eyeing:

To enter, just register here to pick your favorites from the site. (Kate Bosworth is a style director, so you know it's gonna be good stuff!) Once you've narrowed it down to a few choices, leave a comment on this post. Contest ends next Friday at midnight. Three winners will be chosen at random and emailed.

If you're impatient, you can buy one piece and get one FREE by clicking here. I think I'm going to get the citrus earrings and that mauve and metallic ring at the top left.
