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At the top of the spiral staircase, before you get to the play room, is a little guest suite. My parents live about three hours away from us, but they come to Phoenix often (at least twice a month), so we are excited to have space for them in our new house.

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Some of you asked about Heather's plans. She moved with us to Arizona and is busy planning the next phase of her life. She recently graduated from college so I think she's ready to start a career after her adventure in New York with us last year. We'll beg her to stay with us occasionally, but I think she might be ready to have her own place now. :)

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(More after the jump)...
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The guest room isn't huge. Without the closets and the little balcony, the room is about 13x13. Just enough space for a queen and a pair of small night stands and a dresser maybe in this corner.

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This dresser would be so pretty there! If it won't fit, I have an old Draper style that might be just right.

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I forgot to take photos of the balcony, but it's teeny - just enough space for a small chair. There is a little closet out there though that was used for Christmas decorations it looks like and to store the vacuum cleaner? Sort of random. :)

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This is the room Michael and I have been sleeping in the past week while the floors on the other side of the house are getting ripped out. 

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The kids have been sleeping in the play room next to us and we've all been sharing this small bathroom with the world's most poorly designed pedestal sink. It's one of those shell-shapes and there are about two square inches of flat surface on the whole thing (it's all sloping). My toothbrush has fallen on the floor more times this week than I care to admit. :(

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It's okay though - it just makes me all the more excited to tackle this bathroom! This room is calling out for something fun, don't you think? Maybe encaustic tiles?

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A little update: On the renovations front, things are slow-going. Like with pretty much every reno I've ever been a part of, there have been some delays and hiccups. Not fun. Thanks for your patience with me while we are trying to get settled and work out all the logistical nightmares of moving a family and business cross-country. I promise I'll zip through the rest of this home tour quickly and I'll start sharing the projects that I'm beginning to tackle this week. xo