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I love it when a little spray paint can breathe new life into a old piece of furniture or decor!

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I found this beat up vintage jewelry box on eBay for almost nothing (I think it was $10 with free shipping - or something ridiculous). I bought it mostly for the hardware. Isn't that brass beautiful?

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The wood was shabby looking though and the brass sort of got lost against the stain color.

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I've been so drawn to purples lately, especially shades of lilac. (This room is still a favorite) I found a really beautiful color of spray paint from Rustoleum called French Lilac.

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I gently pried off the brass hardware, lightly sanded the wood down and gave the box a few light coats of the lilac spray paint. The color only came in satin finish, which was a little more flat than I wanted here.

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I used a high-gloss spray lacquer on top to make the lilac nice and glossy.

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It took about a full day for the lacquer to fully dry, but once it was ready, I added the hardware back on.

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I love the way the brass looks on the lilac and the way the lilac looks against the gray wardrobe.

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Also, a little PSA on the Nate Berkus tray: Basically this whole line was on clearance at my local Target yesterday! I bought the lamp and a second tray.

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I'm pretty sure the trays are just resin, but they look and feel a lot like stone. They're so cool and just about the perfect size for any surface.

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How was your weekend? I have been travelling for about a month straight now and I am wiped out! We're up at my parents house right now, which is much, much more relaxing than the past few trips I've been on for work, but I'm pretty ready to get home and get back to real life. :)