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My girls are getting a little older now (my oldest is eight) and while I really miss having babies around, I am having so much FUN with my kids! Every holiday is a million times more exciting. We are in full Valentines mode this week (only handmade cards in this house!) and I love seeing their little creative sides come out. They made me this bouquet from flowers and plants they clipped in our yard a few days ago and I was so proud of the arrangement! :) These little ladies make my heart burst.

Kristen from KFD Designs emailed me this Valentines-worthy project earlier this week and I thought it was so cute. Reminded me of this heart print we all love.

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Kristen's more detailed tutorial is here, but the gist is she picked up a pair of really inexpensive thrift store frames, painted them gold and created the peach and neon pink hearts from scratch for the inside.

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I love these two colors together and hanging the pink heart upside down was a genius touch and helps keep things in the not-too-sweet zone.

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Well, done Kristen! Thanks for sharing.

If you have a project you'd like to share on LGN, email me a link or photos.