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We've been working hard to decorate my little studio space this month! It's been SO fun to finally add color to the all-white room! I have a million projects to share with you all soon (Here are the tutorials on the DIY plywood floors and the baseboards, in case you missed them.)

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Just like in my home and in my client's spaces, I wanted a good mix of vintage and new furniture and accessories in this space. I had been doing a little too much vintage shopping lately (gasp! possible?!) and we needed some newer pieces to sort of brighten the look up. My pink ikat Henredon sofas, the Widdicomb table-turned desk, the seriously beat up Plycraft chair, the reupholstered leopard Eames management chairs, the old Italian marble coffee table, etc. -- basically everything in the space was vintage, except the IKEA DIY malachite pattern desk.

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Domino and I teamed up with to add a few of those new pieces I so desperately needed to my vintage mix, and I love what we came up with. But here's the great news: you can enter HERE to win a $2000 GIFT CARD to Domino's shop! Instant remedy for those of you in vintage overwhelm (like I was), or those of you who want vintage style, but don't love the endless hunt/bedbugs. :)

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Here are the pieces I chose from the Domino shop, and a ton more photos of our studio below:

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Let's start by the back door. We have the malachite desk along the west wall and I put the just-delivered, freshly reupholstered Plycraft chair just next to that. I love how it looks next to the new Safavieh table. That thing is SOLID. Seriously built to last. The table top is a beautiful piece of sparkly marble and the tapered legs are gilded iron. The base has a really pretty organic quality - sort of perfectly imperfect.

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The horn vases are my favorite for office supplies, but I've used them for flowers before too and the mix of textures is really beautiful. 

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The New Yorker cover from the 60s was a Conde Nast Store find. I love it next to my new vintage etching (especially after its recent upgrade).

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On the north wall, against the wall of windows, we put the ikat sofas and the marble coffee table on my old Persian runner.

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I got these one-of-a-kind kilim pillows a few weeks ago when they were one of the Domino Deals (50% off baby!) and they're gorgeous. (psst...this Otomi pillow is also awesome)

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And on the coffee table is this pretty little black hex planter from Dwell Studio. There might be no less than three succulents in every room in my house at this point.

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This light blue-green chair is more comfortable than you might give it credit for since it's so small. It's adorable and the linen upholstery is well done. The color is pretty with the sofas too, huh?

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I'm SO in love with this Blu Dot lamp. I bought the IKEA knock off a couple months ago, and let me tell you, that one is complete junk in comparison. This lamp is worth every penny, just for the shade alone! It's a gorgeous statement piece. Look at that pretty base.

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I found that little knoll table for (get this) $24 here at an antique mall. I could hardly believe my luck.

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Just to the right of the sofas on the east wall is a bunch of new pretty stuff that I'm so excited to share with you! The perfect little cherry on top though is this Cy Twombly print that I've been wanting for years now. I LOVE the colors here. And it was nice that the print came framed.

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This Arteriors vase is so crazy and unique, I keep moving it around the house because I love seeing it everywhere. Recognize the nubbins? Totally inspired one of my concrete planters.

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These little brass hand sculptures are new too and I love how they look against the black table. I think a person's hands are so beautiful (especially really old ones and brand new baby ones! Oh, my heart!), but I'm starting to realize that my hand sculpture collection is getting a little out of control at this point. Maybe.

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More the share later, when I get to the projects posts, but I just wanted to say that lilac and poppy red will forever be a favorite color combo.

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Then just a little to the right, in the window bay, is my sunny desk nook. Those white S chairs were originally going sit at the malachite desk and one or both of the leopard chairs were going to sit at my desk, but I decided I liked the white S chairs in a pair at my desk instead. When people come over, we all sit together here, and the girls come up and sit with me if I need to work after they get home from school. They color and I type away. 

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I painted the base of that Widdicomb table with chalkboard paint and I love the ultra-matte finish. And remember this little guy? My brass colored pencil holder has a star spot on my desk top now. I love it.

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I picked up the gray wool office chair at a thrift store and it is so, so comfortable. It's cleaned up pretty well, but I think it's going to get a little more love sometime soon. The wooden arms and base need some work. But for now, it's just about my favorite place to sit and the arms hit the table at just the right spot. The perfect fit.

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There are still a few more projects we're working on (some giant inspiration boards!!), but I'm so happy with the progress in here. It's bright and cheerful and it feels finished, but not overloaded. There's tons of floor space for spreading out our projects, but also places to sit and work when we're just doing computer work. I am so happy and grateful for this studio space. It is seriously saving my sanity. :)

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NOW!! Don't forget to enter the $2000 GIVE AWAY from Domino and Think of all the pretty things you could put in your home! My fingers are crossed for you! :)