Bedroom Design
Futuristic Japanese Bedroom
Japanese Bedroom Design
Japanese Style Bedroom
Modern Bedroom Design
Modern and Futuristic Japanese Bedroom Design
There are several elements on the Japanese Style Bedroom, such as the predominant in using natural color elements such as brown, green, yellow and simplification of shape and element that the first so complex to be more simple. So that, before you decide to make Japanese Style Bedroom in your home, so you try to recognize and understand the factors that affect Japanese Style Bedroom on the interior, such as:
1. Harmony in Japan interior decoration
Japanese style bedroom, Japanese philosophy comes from the word “Sabi”, it means integral part of home design. It can mean the balance that created by the contrast between the simplicity with luxury. Japanese interior decoration can achieve this harmony by unifying the elements of opposite characteristic. You can reach “Sabi” by placing low futon under high window or put a coarse tatami woven mat on the smooth surface. Unify a soft pillow with a rough wooden table, black stone accessory on a white porcelain bowl.
2. Modern and traditional concept on Japanese decoration
Japan Style Bedroom Decoration has the advantage that more simple than the traditional style, but it still uses the color dominant like brown, yellow on the paint selection or the use of interior accessory elements. The concept with nature theme is always dominant both traditional and modern style, so that the use of colors like green, blue, white and black are also quite dominant. Japanese style concept always display minimalist room, especially for modern style.
3. Nature on Japan’s decorating
In Japan, their Japanese style bedroom align their home with the surrounding nature. The window opening selection is aligned with the morning light direction and the view direction to the park. The material selection that tends translucent, so that the occupancy felt more open, you can use transparent paper or white cloth as coating on the window and the curtain on the door. The park processing is also considered by incorporating accessory elements such as small temple, the use of wooden trellis, pagoda or gazebo placement.
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