I went again (begrudgingly) to IKEA yesterday to return the two navy blue shades and some yellow striped drapes.

Here's what I got while there:

White shades. Much better than the navy. I don't know what I was thinking.
White lamps.
Frames galore for my new prints and some family photos that I'm photoshopping to death to create a soft dreamy look and washed out colors. I'm still working out the kinks, but I think the effect will look cool.

I love the ribba frame. Probably the best thing IKEA sells. I got a selection in white and in dark wood.

I got one of these frames too, just to mix it up a little.

Also, I saw this on design*sponge today and it reminded me that I have some cool, ornate frames down in my basement that I should paint up glossy white or another fun color to mix in with my simple ribba frames.

I bought a great rug that I have been eying for a while. I can't find it on IKEA's website, so you'll just have to wait until I post the completed room pictures to see it. It is still wrapped up in plastic because I'm not done painting the room yet, but I have high hopes that it will look cool in my room.

As per Michael's request, I'm looking for a wooden bench to go at the foot of the bed. I thought about this one from IKEA, but for $59, I think I can find a cooler one elsewhere. One that is easier to paint or already has a pretty, dark stain.