I bought this wall mirror/shelf from Target (it was on sale then for $20) and hung it on my closet door. I used four little white porcelain dishes (also from Target, for about a buck each) to separate everything out - bracelets, rings, earrings, watches, etc. I also added four small hook screws along the sides of the shelf for additional hanging area. Cheap and easy.
Plus, jewelry is beautiful and fun to display! And I've discovered that now I'm rotating into my outfits oldies-but-goodies because I can see all my jewelry options this way, rather than having to rummage through a giant box.
You can also see a little peek into my closet here. I papered it with some large sheets I had left over from a party. Paper Source doesn't accept returns on flat sheets, so I used some of the leftovers as wrapping paper and put the rest to good use in my closet.
It's sort of obvious that it's not real wallpaper, and it doesn't look perfect. BUT, the yellow matches my headboard and it puts me in a really good mood when I'm choosing the outfit du jour.
Happy Friday, friends! I hope your weekend is lovely.