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Today is a busy day. We've got lots of errands to run because my husband is taking the bar in New York next week. The day he gets home (Wednesday) we're turning right around and heading back west for my brother-in-law's wedding, a family reunion and some time on the beach in CA. We're entering into a crazy season again. I promise to keep blogging regularly though.

One of today's errands is particularly exciting and has to do with a new project I've been busy working on - I'm really excited to share it with you guys!

I had hoped to blog about my living room curtains today, but, sadly, they aren't done yet. There was a little bit of a hiccup in the process, but I'll for sure finish them before we leave next week. To be completely honest with you guys, the jury's still out on whether or not I'm loving them. We'll see once they're actually hanging up. Here's a little clue on the fabric pattern:

Design by Suzanne Kasler (I think) and image via Cote de Texas (again, I think)
Have a great weekend!!