She wanted these chairs to really pop. Since she only has a pair, my suggestions were on the bolder side. I thought it would look great to paint the frames a bright orangey-red color and upholster the seats with this uber kid-friendly faux ostrich in aqua, which I happen to be using in another project for a client in Florida (Hi, Lisa!).

After writing Sarah back with my thoughts on oil-based vs latex paints, I figured I would bring up the topic here with you guys. I've painted dozens and dozens of furniture pieces in my time. I love the look and wear of oil-based paint on furniture, but I love the ease and convenience of using latex.
Side note: I recently tried the Behr Paint and Primer in one (latex) and I was pretty impressed with the results! I only had to do one good coat with a little touch up as a "second coat." Not bad, though I wish it was available in a gloss finish.
Here's a very basic outline of my experience with both types of paint:
LATEX (water-based) PAINT
My Uses:
Light-use furniture
Easy clean up with water
Cheap and very accessible (lots of colors)
Dries to the touch fast
Requires several coats usually to get even coverage, usually need primer
Can peel easily - especially if lower quality
Can take weeks to fully harden/cure
My Uses:
Heavy-use furniture
GORGEOUS (to me) - amazing gloss and depth
Very durable
Covers stains remarkably well, without primer
A pain to wash up after - as in, you need chemicals
Requires a steady hand and smooth application
Takes 12-24 hours (or more) to dry
Any other thoughts out there on the pros and cons of latex and oil-based paints?
Post Script: I've really been feeling the love lately from my readers! Thank you for all the kind and encouraging emails! I love getting each and every one and am trying my best to respond to everyone individually.
Also {trying to say this very nicely}, I'm not in the business of giving out free advice. If you're looking to hire a decorator, please feel free to contact me about my rates and availability (more info here). Right now I'm am taking on clients to begin in the month of November.
If you have a single design predicament that you would like me to help with (like Sarah's request for chair advice here), I charge $25 per question, payable via paypal. Please email for more information. Thanks!