We are still offline at my house and will be through next Monday if you can believe it. {Comcast is ridiculous sometimes}
In better news,
Little Green Notebook was on the Washington Post BlogWatch again today (so fun!)
And this cute little (well, big) French poster arrived in the mail and made its way upstairs into my girls room. It's absolutely adorable in there - the colors are perfect.

I fell in love with it after seeing in a house tour on Cookie...

Also I've been starting on our dining room in my no-internet-so-I-can't-do-client-work down time. Lots of fun projects to share with that, so I promise that your patience with all the radio silence around here will be greatly rewarded.
See you Monday night.
PS Thank you for all the extremely kind comments on my girls room redo! I'm going back now to try and answer your questions in the comments section. Please comment again if I missed yours. Thanks!