A few years ago we lived in a townhouse with really unfortunate kitchen floors. One day I reached my limit and couldn't take the ugly floors any more. Even though it was a rental I bought two boxes each of black and white peel and stick laminate tiles, and put down a classic checkerboard pattern. Instant (and very inexpensive) fix!
(not my kitchen, sadly I can't find any photos) image via D*S
While I love a good checkerboard, there are some really ideas out there for twists on the classic black and white kitchen or bath floors.

Kelley Proxmire

Peel and stick tiles are pretty easy to cut and I think it would be cool to try an intricate pattern some time.

At Home in Arkansas

Peak of Chic
In unrelated news, Happy Halloween! It's taken all of my willpower to prevent my kids from wearing their costumes early! Have a wonderful and safe weekend. xx