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This week I'm posting snippets from my 'NYC APT' inspiration folder...

Check out what a little bit of orange paint can do to old and too-simple cabinetry? This would also work wonders on that super bland furniture that we all have at least one piece of.

via D*S

We're in the market for a new (matching) pair of arm chairs for the living room. These are a gazillion dollars from Hickory Chair, but I love them so.

We've had basically non-stop visitors since we moved to New York. And we're pretty much booked through Christmas. All the house guests have turned my focus to linen closets and I have dreams about mine someday looking like this:

via Lonny

I am using a chest of drawers as my kitchen island and since there is a 360-degree view of the piece now, it desperately needs a new paint job. The top candidate for colors is Farrow and Ball's 'Down Pipe'

What could possibly be better than an antique empire chandelier? Two of them.

Completely enamored by the colors and pattern in this antique textile from an old Style Court post. I'm going to try some experimenting with fabric dye and white silk for a pillow or two.

Not new news, but I love skirted tables. This round, trimmed out table by Celerie Kemble is really doing it for me. I'll take that lamp too, please and thank you.
