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This slide show is inspiring me to get going on my spring cleaning and organizing - even though it doesn't quite feel like spring yet around here. Isn't it fun to get a peek into someone's cabinets and drawers?

Martha sure loves her P Touch. It's hilarious to me that she labeled the label maker (with a sort of passive aggressive message?)

If you like to cook, you understand how essential it is to have good, sharp knives. I have a set of Wusthof Classics that work great (this knife is my favorite), but I'm really jealous of all of Martha's Japanese knives.

There's no such thing as too many vintage linen napkins!

I'm always drawn to Bakelite (pronounced bake-a-light), which you can find at flea markets and all over ebay and etsy. I love the vintage and warm feel of the resin.

What a pretty collection of rolling pins, and I especially love these salad servers.

I've used little dishes and bowls to organize small jewelry, but I think these jadeite dishes are so cute for organizing first aid supplies (as long as the drawer was out of reach of little hands. My kids like using bandaids a little too much).

Off to organize my kitchen drawers!