I think there is a time and a place (and a budget!) for all different methods of fabric shopping. I am a big fan of online browsing (L&S is truly great), and I go to Design Centers a lot (some of these photos are from D&D showrooms).
Amazing cobalt blue floral in Kravet's Modern Colors line.
Oh, Raoul Textiles. Why must you be so pricey?
But I have to say that I really, really love to find those less-known usually local fabric stores that almost always have vintage yardages that are selling for a song. And don't tell me there is no such place in your town. I'm sure there is! There has been one in every city I ever lived in.Interior Alternative (Newark, DE)
Here in Manhattan, I love Mood and B&J for the sheer quantity of selection, but probably my two favorite stores are in my neighborhood: P&S and JEM fabrics.
Vintage Brunschwig et Fils at Mood
Citrus cut velvet chevron? Yes please! at P&S in Tribeca
P and S has a great selection of burlap in tons of colors. I'm considering this neon pink to cover a lampshade in my girls' room.
LEOPARD! EMERALD! SILK! $50/yd at Mood
That navy/turq/persimmon pattern will soon be making an appearance on a little footstool.

Just a sampling of the many great, inexpensive linens at Pennsylvania Fabrics in Philly
And don't judge a store by it's first few rows of unfortunate Christmas themed calico. That happened to me last year when we moved to Dover. I noticed a sign out on the highway: Wholesale Fabric Store! Open to the Public! I stopped by to pop my head in and quickly decided the selection was lacking, based on the rolls I could see from the front door. A month or two later I decided to give it another shot and discovered an entire room in the back full of beautiful vintage fabrics! Also, the owner of the store became a friend, so win-win.Down the road a little on Fabric Row in Philly.
Fun, right? It's Waverly! These are from Mood...
Do you have a less-obvious source for fun fabrics in your town? How great would it be to start compiling a little directory? I'll start:
Boston, MA: Zimmen's in Lynn
Dover, DE: Wholesale Fabric on Rte 13
Newark, DE: Interior Alternative
Phoenix, AZ: Home Fabrics and SAS
Philadelphia: Jo-Mar and lots of the shops on Fabric Row (I like about half of them on 4th). If you're looking for vintage yardage, go straight to Home & Office Decor on the corner of Fitzwater and 4th. It's not clean or organized, so be warned, but there are deals to be had!
New York City: P&S and JEM (don't miss out on all the french trims! Such an amazing place!)