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I feel like such an old lady typing this - but somehow I messed up my back this week and it hurts bad. :( Like, back labor 24 hours a day. Not fun. I have a big deadline on Friday so I'm focusing every bit of my energy on that - I feel bad that I won't be around here much this week. I'm hoping to be back in action soon. All next week, starting Monday, I have a seriously amazing house tour to share with you. (Remember my friend Emily? It's her whole house!) TONS of tips and inspiration!

Speaking of inspiration, here are some images that I keep coming back to lately. The colors!!

Mario Buatta

Arch Digest

Melanie Acevedo

Hoping to be able to post again here this week, but if I can't, don't forget to enter my favorite things give away! I've been reading all the comments and I love seeing your choices!