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So like I mentioned yesterday, the gray sofa is being replaced with a smaller piece. You can bet if I hadn't scored this little beauty at the flea market already, I'd be shopping for a camelback sofa. I just love the lines. How can something so completely classic feel almost modern? Of course I always think of Ruthie's sofa, except I would probably opt for something with straight legs.

Love this one from eBay! Yowza, look at that red! My favorite color.

Anyway, it doesn't make sense to do a camelback since my little settee in the entry (which is too small to be used in the LR) is basically a mini camelback. I'm liking the idea of a piece with higher arms though. I like to sit in couches with my feet up and my back against the arm rests. That's really the only down side of the English roll arm style - no arm rest support to speak of.

I'm going to check out this Frenchie number this weekend (and will report back with the news), but I also have a back up plan in mind...

I've scoured the interwebs high and low and did a round up of all the love seats, settees and sofettes that are readily available to folks without trade accounts. Prices range from $200 to almost $3k, and everything in between. Can you guess which settee is my Plan B?