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I couldn't love dentil trim more! I love the textural element all those little teeth add to a room. Since all the mouldings were removed from our brownstone in the 70s (boo!), we are planning to replace as much as we can, one room at a time.

Arch Digest

Elle Decor


Jeffrey Bilhuber

So far we finished hanging dentil crown in the living room and have started in the entry and dining room. You GUYS!! I had no idea it was this tricky to hang crown moulding! I feel like I need a degree in math to do this! I am getting the hang of it though, and will share tips and tricks after I finish setting the nails and caulking in the living room. Thank the sweet heavens above for this 3 in 1 caulk tool. It has changed my life (and has saved my fingers a lot of wear and tear!). I'm going to go on a caulking spree in the bathrooms when I finish up the moulding.

Off to climb my scary-high ladder!