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Hi friends,

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for all the well-wishes, comments, tweets, texts, emails and phone calls. I feel surrounded by your love and support.

I am home now, kissing and holding my little ones, feeling so thankful things didn't turn out worse then they did. I'm hoping once I'm recovered I can just forget about this whole experience! Not fun. I will say this though - Please, please, please check and see that you are up to date on your Tdap vaccination. I thought I was close to current, so didn't worry about it when I was scraped by a rusty fence recently. Take my word for it that you never want to experience Tetanus, and of course we want to protect little ones from Pertussis, which is also covered by the vaccination.

I've got a back log of projects I haven't posted about yet that I'll be sharing next week while I'm recovering, so please come back Monday for regularly scheduled posting.

Thank you again. Big hugs to you all.
