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image via Peter Pennoyer Architects

I apparently have a thing for bone inlaid furniture. I've saved all kinds of images that include these beautiful and unique pieces.

via Idea Home
via Design Sponge
image via Carlton Varney

I'm pretty sure Carlton Varney used this mirror available at Wisteria for the above power room. (Anthropologie carries a green version of the same mirror for about $50 less.)

These benches also used to be available at Wisteria and are still available at Graham and Green. Don't you just love this bedroom? That canopy bed is amazing.

Remember Nathan from Top Design II? He used these bone inlay chairs, also from Graham and Green, in his final design - both in the dining room and in the office. LOVE it.

Speaking of Graham and Greene, they've pretty much cornered the market on great-looking (and expensive) bone inlaid furniture... Some day...

What's your take on bone inlaid furniture? Love it or leave it? Don't worry, you won't hurt my feelings.