I am in such a good mood when my house is really deep-down clean. With two toddlers in the house, I feel like I can barely keep it "tidy" most days, let alone scrubbed down and organized.

My husband and I were talking about this the other day - about how hard it can be sometimes to keep a really clean house with children. I feel like it's been especially hard since I've been working so much lately and Michael's in the middle of finals. There just aren't enough hours in the day.

And here's a dirty little secret: I actually hate cleaning. LOVE having a clean house, but don't especially love the act of cleaning a toilet or doing the dishes (there's no dishwasher in our super old house).

It's definitely not in the budget right now, but I get fliers all the time for cleaning services. I've been surprised at how cheap some of them are - only about $15 per hour. I'm sure a lot of good could be done in just a few hours a week or every other week.

So, what do you readers think about hiring a cleaning person? Do you do it? Would you do it if you could? Are you/would you be embarrassed about admitting it to friends, family and coworkers?